The Difference Between Fate And Destiny

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4 min readSep 15, 2020


The spiritual realm is like an ever-shifting map, with an infinite number of paths that can lead us either towards or away from, our divine destinies. Every choice we make affects the paths that are revealed to us in physical reality. When we are in alignment with our higher selves, we are guided towards our sacred soul purpose via a series of synchronicities. However, regardless of our pure intentions, there are certain points on the spiritual map that are fated to redirect our souls. No matter whether we are walking a path of darkness or light, the points of fate are inescapable.

We have all lived through many lifetimes, and when we reincarnate, our consciousness carries the karma that has accumulated since the beginning of time. When we experience a point of fate on the spiritual path, it is an opportunity to transcend karmic debts so that we can realize our sacred destiny. From the moment that our souls were formed, we were each assigned a unique spiritual purpose. When we follow the passions of our higher selves, we begin to embody divinity on Earth. This can take lifetimes to accomplish, and along the way, we encounter points of fate designed to inspire spiritual awakening.

It might be that we are drawn to paint beautiful portraits, or perhaps we feel called to study Ayurveda. Whatever it is that resonates deep within our beings, is a sacred memory of our divine purpose and ultimate spiritual destiny. When we take actions that align with our higher truth, we find ourselves surrounded by opportunities, which opens the doorway to the embodiment of our higher selves. Whether we choose a path that leads to our divine destiny or a path that leads to a point of fate, our sacred purpose is to reach liberation.

Even the most enlightened among us have fallen prey to the trickery of the Maya. It is all too easy to succumb to thoughts of limitation and fear, which prevent us from aligning with our true destinies. The illusions of the ego cause our thoughts to spin and warp, presenting a seemingly recurring spiritual crossroad. When we forget to look within, we become confused about which direction to take, and as a result, we cannot perceive which choice is most in alignment with our divine destiny. The spiritual journey challenges us to remember who we really are.

Over time, the ego can cloud a pure mind into believing all manners of things, which ultimately leads us away from enlightenment. It is often when we are most deluded by ego-based thoughts that a point of fate appears to redirect us towards our destiny. It is only through transcending lower consciousness that we can re-align with our soul’s divine purpose. When we deviate from the spiritual path (intentionally or not) there is a price to pay for spiritual ignorance. Fate is presented in the form of a crisis, designed to shatter the ego so that we can rise from the ashes of identification like a Phoenix.

There is an abundance of true stories that speak of a catastrophic event serving to spark spiritual growth. When we come face to face with fate, it is an opportunity to reexamine our values and to gain spiritual wisdom. The material world is full of trickery, and every day we experience the temptation to buy into mainstream thought. Unfortunately, when we follow the crowd, we are led away from the spiritual realm, and the illusions of the ego become engrained as our truth. For this reason, it is important to stay true to ourselves so that we can remember our divine natures.

By taking the time to practice spirituality as often as possible, we can maintain a higher perspective. The answers we seek are already within our consciousness, and all we need to do is to listen to the guidance of our higher selves. When we ignore our intuitions, we veer from the spiritual path and are likely to encounter a point of fate. Although fate forces us to endure emotional hardship, it serves a higher purpose in the form of divine intervention. When we are met with fate, it holds the potential for radical transformation, as it forces us to transcend the ego in a matter of seconds.

The pain of ego-death is unbearable, but it offers the chance to shed layers of perception that were never true in the first place. This re-aligns us with our souls and we are reminded of our divine purpose through visions and insights.

Rumi once said, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” When fate strikes it is an opportunity for enlightenment. Fate is the greatest spiritual test, and the choices we make after fate has surfaced will affect us for lifetimes to come. By viewing fate as divine re-alignment, we can embrace the opportunity to transform our karma into our destinies, once and for all.




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